1893: String Game
Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 128 MB Submit: 55 Solved: 20 [ ][ ][ ]Description
Alice and Bob are playing the following game with strings of letters.
Before the game begins, an initial string and a target string are decided. The initial string is at least as long as the target string. Then, Alice and Bob take turns, starting with the initial string. Bob goes first. In each turn, the current player removes either the first or the last letter of the current string. Once the length of the current string becomes equal to the length of the target string, the game stops. If the string at the end of the game is equal to the target string, Alice wins the game; otherwise Bob wins.
Determine who will win the game if both players are playing optimally.
Each test case starts with N , the number of inputs to process. Each input consists of one line, which contains the initial string, followed by a space, followed by the target string. Each string consists of only lowercase letters. The total input length will be less than 500000 characters.
For each input, output the winner, which will either be Alice or Bob .
Sample Input
aba b
bab b
aaab aab
xyz mnk
xyz xyz
Sample Output
2.如果在b不a的中间,Alice先和Bob删异侧的,直达遇到b,假设此时的a是(b)...,那么如果b的后面有一或二 个字符,就可以在之前的Bob删a的最后一个字符的某次和Bob删同侧的,这样最后一回合的时候就会变成x(b)y【x,y代表一个字符】,则Alice胜;但是Bob可能一直删a的第一个字符,所以同理当 Bob 只删a的第一个字符时,应出现...(b)【b的前面只有一或二个字符】。
综上:b不a的中间时,若 删去 a的第一个字符 【 an-bn为奇数 】(或前两个字符【an-bn为 偶数】) 或者删去a的最后 一个字符【an-bn为奇数】(或最后两个字符【an-bn为 偶数】) 均能使b在a的中间,则Alice胜。
#include#include #include #include #define maxn 500055int main(){ int T; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { char a[maxn],b[maxn]; scanf("%s%s",a,b); int an=strlen(a),bn=strlen(b),flag=0; int d=(an-bn)/2; if((an-bn)%2) { if(strncmp(a+d+1,b,bn)==0&&strncmp(a+d,b,bn)==0) flag=1; } else { if(strncmp(a+d,b,bn)==0) flag=1; else{ if(strncmp(a+d+1,b,bn)==0&&strncmp(a+d-1,b,bn)==0) {flag=1;} } } if(flag) printf("Alice\n"); else printf("Bob\n"); } return 0;}